Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis (中文語法錯誤診斷)
- Goals:
- Developing NLP techniques to automatically diagnose (including detection, identification, and correction) grammatical errors in sentences written by learners of Chinese as a foreign language.
- Constructing annotated learner corpora in traditional Chinese and releasing them for research purposes.
- Achievements:
- Lung-Hao Lee, Man-Chen Hung, Chao-Yi Chen, Rou-An Chen, and Yuen-Hsien Tseng (2021). Chinese Grammatical Error Detection Using Adversarial ELECTRA Transformers. In Proceedings of ICCE'21, pp. 111-113. #Method
- Lung-Hao Lee, Yuh-Shyang Wang, Po-Chen Lin, Chih-Te Hung, and Yuen-Hsien Tseng (2020). Multi-Channel CNN-BiLSTM for Chinese Grammatical Error Detection. In Proceedings of ICCE'20, pp. 558-560. #Method
- Lung-Hao Lee, Yuen-Hsien Tseng*, and Li-Ping Chang (2019). Resources and Evaluations of Automated Chinese Error Diagnosis for Language Learners. In X. Lu & B. Chen (Eds.), Computational and Corpus Approaches to Chinese Language Learning (Chapter 12, pp. 235-252). Springer, Singapore. [DOI] #Survey
- Lung-Hao Lee, Yuen-Hsien Tseng, and Li-Ping Chang (2018). Building a TOCFL Learner Corpus for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis. In Proceedings of LREC'18, pp. 2298-2304. [PDF] #Corpus
- Gaoqi Rao, and Lung-Hao Lee (2018). NLP for Chinese L2 Writing: Evaluation of Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis. In Proceedings of BRLRE'18. #Evaluation
- Lung-Hao Lee, Bo-Lin Lin, Liang-Chih Yu, and Yuen-Hsien Tseng (2017). Chinese Grammatical Error Detection Using a CNN-LSTM Model. In Proceedings of ICCE'17, pp. 919-921. [URL] #Method
- Lung-Hao Lee, Gaoqi Rao, Liang-Chih Yu, Endong Xun, Baolin Zhang, and Li-Ping Chang (2016). Overview of the NLP-TEA 2016 Shared Task for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis. In Proceedings of NLPTEA'16, pp. 40-48. [PDF] #Data #Evaluation
- Lung-Hao Lee, Li-Ping Chang, and Yuen-Hsien Tseng (2016). Developing Learner Corpus Annotation for Chinese Grammatical Errors. In Proceedings of IALP'16, pp. 254-257. [DOI] #ErrorTag
- Lung-Hao Lee, Li-Ping Chang, Bo-Shun Liao, Wan-Ling Cheng, and Yuen-Hsien Tseng (2015). A Retrieval System for Interlanguage Analysis. In Proceedings of ICCE'15, pp. 599-601. [URL] #System
- Lung-Hao Lee, Liang-Chih Yu, and Li-Ping Chang (2015). Overview of the NLP-TEA 2015 Shared Task for Chinese Grammatical Error Diagnosis. In Proceedings of NLPTEA'15, pp. 1-6. [PDF] #Data #Evaluation
- Lung-Hao Lee, Kuei-Ching Lee, Li-Ping Chang, Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Liang-Chih Yu, and Hsin-Hsi Chen (2014). A Tagging Editor for Learner Corpus Annotation and Error Analysis. In Proceedings of ICCE'14, pp. 806-808. [URL] #Tool
- Liang-Chih Yu, Lung-Hao Lee, and Li-Ping Chang (2014). Overview of Grammatical Error Diagnosis for Learning Chinese as a Foreign Language. In Proceedings of NLPTEA'14, pp.42-47. [URL] #Data #Evaluation
- Lung-Hao Lee, Liang-Chih Yu, Kuei-Ching Lee, Yuen-Hsien Tseng, Li-Ping Chang, and Hsin-Hsi Chen (2014). A Sentence Judgment System for Grammatical Error Detection. In Proceedings of COLING'14, pp. 67-70. [PDF] #Method
- Lung-Hao Lee, Li-Ping Chang, Kuei-Ching Lee, Yuen-Hsien Tseng, and Hsin-Hsi Chen (2013). Linguistic Rules Based Chinese Error Detection for Second Language Learning. In Work-in-Progress Poster Proceedings of ICCE'13, pp. 27-29. [URL] #Method
- Data:
- TOCFL Chinese Learner Corpus
- CGED Datasets
- CMLGED Datasets